The scope of HOLTERM Project is technological transfer of an ecological manufacturing technology for holographic marks with thermochrom system for products storage at low temperatures.
Final results
1. Prototype of Holographic brand with Encapsulated Thermochromic System (PHSTI). It is addressed both to current products and to stocks of food, medicines, vaccines that require storage/transportation at negative temperatures. The STI component can be used separately on products, without holographic brand.
2. Ecological technology for obtaining PHSTI based on reusable biopolymers and new industrial process parameters with the aim of increasing the resolution of the microrelief and in subsequent stages.
The partner teams were led by
C. S. I George Bostan Director, from Optoelectronica 2001 SA;
C. S. I Denis Mihaela Panaitescu Responsible, for National Institute for R&D chemistry (ICECHIM)
Prof. Mona Mihailescu Responsible, from University Politechnica of Bucharest (UPB).