
  • Negoiță, Ilișanu, Irimescu, Popescu, Tudor, M. Mihailescu, Scarlat, Pleavă, Dinischiotu, Savu, Specific spectral sub-images for machine learning evaluation of optical differences between carbon ion and X ray radiation effects, Heliyon, Vol.10, Iss. 15, 2024, DOI10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e35249 WOS:001290451700001 IF: 3.4 AIS: 0.614

  • Olăreț, Dinescu, Dobranici, Ginghina, Voicu, M. Mihailescu, Curti, Banciu, Sava, Amarie, Lungu, Stancu Osteoblast responsive biosilica-enriched gelatin microfibrillar microenvironments, Biomaterials Advances, 161, 213894, 2024, 10.1016/j.bioadv.2024.213894 WOS:001246485500001, IF:5.5 AIS:0.787

  • Ioniță, Popescu, Irimescu, Deaconu, Tarbă, Matei, M. MihĂilescu, Savu, Berger, Role of mesoporous silica functionalized with boronic acid derivative in targeted delivery of doxorubicin and co-delivery of doxorubicin and resveratrol, MICROPOR. AND MESOPOR MAT, vol 375, 2024, DOI10.1016/j.micromeso.2024.113176, WOS:001299060400001, IF: 4.8 AIS: 0.701

  • Călin, M. Mihailescu, Petrescu, Lisievici, Tarbă, Călin, Ungureanu, Pasov, Brehar, Gorgan, Moisescu, Savopol, Grading of glioma tumors using digital holographic microscopy, Heliyon, Vol. 10, Iss. 9, 2024, DOI10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29897, WOS:001237126700001, IF: 3.4 AIS: 0.614

  • Tudor, M., Popescu, R.C., Negoita, R.D., Gilbert A., Ilișanu M.A., Temelie M., Dinischiotu A, Chevalier F., M. MIHĂILESCU Savu D. I., In vitro hyperspectral biomarkers of human chondrosarcoma cells in nanoparticle-mediated radiosensitization using carbon ions, Sci Rep 13, 14878, 2023, WOS:001109153800011 IF: 4.6, AIS: 1.129,

  • M. Mihailescu, Miclea L, Pleava A. M., Tarba N, Scarlat E, Negoiță R.D., Moisescu M, Savopol T, Method for nanoparticles uptake evaluation based on double labeled fluorescent cells scanned in enhanced darkfield microscopy, Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 14, iss, 6, 2796-2810, 2023, WOS:001014778000004, IF: 3.4, AIS: 0.84, 10.1364/BOE.490136

  • Popescu, Călin, Tanasă, Vasile, M. Mihailescu, Păun, Magnetically-actuated microcages for cells entrapment, fabricated by laser direct writing via two photon polymerization, FRONT IN BIOENG AND BIOTECH, vol. 11, DOI10.3389/fbioe.2023.1273277, WOS:001134687000001 IF: 4.3 AIS: 0.927

  • Miclea L, M. Mihailescu, Tarba N, Brezoiu A, Sandu A, Mitran R, Berger D, Matei C, Moisescu M, Savopol T, Evaluation of intracellular distribution of folate functionalized silica nanoparticles using fluorescence and hyperspectral enhanced dark field microscopy, Nanoscale, 14, 35, 12744-12756, 2022, WOS:000843636500001, IF: 8.307, AIS: 1.329

  • Scarlat E, M. Mihailescu, IA Păun, Identification of independent modes in two inputs free space communications system, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 136, 106320, 2021, WOS: 000583900900002 IF: 4.273, AIS: 0.695.

  • Călin VL, M. Mihailescu, N Tarba, AM Sandu, E Scarlat, MG Moisescu, T Savopol, Digital holographic microscopy evaluation of dynamic cell response to electroporation, Biomedical Optics Express 12 (4), 2519-2530, 2021 WOS:000636754000004, IF: 3.921, AIS: 0.963.

  • Păun IA, Mustaciosu CC, M. Mihailescu, BS Calin, AM Sandu, Magnetically-driven 2D cells organization on superparamagnetic micromagnets fabricated by laser direct writing, Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-12, 2020 WOS: 000577151500013, IF: 3.998, AIS: 1.261.

  • R-D Păvăloiu, F Sha’at, C Bubueanu, M Deaconu, G Neagu, M Sha’at, M Anastasescu, M. Mihailescu, C Matei, G Nechifor, D Berger, Polyphenolic extract from Sambucus ebulus L. leaves free and loaded into lipid vesicles, Nanomaterials 10 (1), 56, 2020 WOS: 000516825600056, IF: 4.324, AIS: 0.671.

  • Păun I A, Calin B S, Mustaciosu C C, M. Mihailescu, C S Popovici, C R Luculescu, Osteogenic cells differentiation on topological surfaces under ultrasound stimulation, Journal of Materials Science 54 (16), 11213-11230, 2019 WOS: 000469467500020, IF: 3.553, AIS: 0.565.

  • Panaitescu D M, Frone A N, Chiulan I, Nicolae C A, Trusca R, Ghiurea M,Gabor A R, M. Mihailescu, Casarica A, Lupescu I, Role of bacterial cellulose and poly(3-hydroxyhexanoale-co-3-hydroxyoctanoale) in poly(3-hydroxibutirate) blends and composites, Cellulose 25, 10, 5569-5591, (2018) WOS: 000444769300008,, IF: 3.917, AIS: 0.677.

  • M. Mihailescu, EI Scarlat, Parallel superposition of phase holograms for multiple parameters identification, Applied optics 57 (28), 8460-8466, 2018 WOS: 000446048600047,, IF: 1.707, AIS: 0.496.

  • M. Mihailescu, E I Scarlat, I A Paun, I Grigorescu, R Radu, O Tatiana Nedelcu, Empirical quantitative characterization of holographic phase images of normal and abnormal cervical cells by fractal descriptors, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 6, 4, 386-395, 2018 WOS:000437479800005

  • Calin VL, M. Mihailescu Mihale N, Baluta AV, Kovacs E, Savopol T and Moisescu MG Changes in optical properties of electroporated cells as revealed by digital holographic microscopy. Biomed Opt Express 8, 2222–2234 (2017) WOS: 000400499300016,, IF: 3.482, AIS: 0.978.

  • M. Mihailescu, Paun, I.A., Zamfirescu, CR Luculescu, AM Acasandrei, M Dinescu Laser-assisted fabrication and non-invasive imaging of 3D cell-seeding constructs for bone tissue engineering. J Mater Sci 51, 4262–4273 (2016). WOS: 000370342100008, IF: 2.599, AIS: 0.561.

  • Tudor R, M. Mihailescu, Kusko C, Paun I A, Nan A E, Kusko M, Simultaneous and spatially separated detection of multiple orbital angular momentum states, Opt. Comm., 368, 141-149 (2016) WOS: 000371132000024,, IF: 2.125, AIS: 0.355.

  • M. MIHĂILESCU, R.C. Popescu, A. Matei, A. Acasandrei, I.A. Paun, M. Dinescu, Investigation of osteoblast cells behavior in polymeric 3D micropatterned scaffolds using digital holographic microscopy, Appl. Optics 53, 22, p. 4850-4858, 2014. WOS:000340824800018 IF: 1.784, AIS: 0.474.

  • M. Mihailescu, L. Preda, C. Kusko, Independent and combined information transfer from axicon and helical phase distributions, Appl. Optics. 53, 21, 4691-4699, 2014. WOS:000339870900009, IF: 1.784, AIS: 0.474.

  • D. M. Panaitescu, R. A. Gabor, C. A. Nicolae, M. Giurea, M. Mihailescu, R. M. Grigorescu, Influence of melt processing induced orientation on the morphology and mechanical properties, Mat. & Design, 64, 694-705, 2014 (WOS:000342681600086, ISSN: 0261-3069, AI=0.8)

  • M. Mihailescu, J. Costescu, Diffraction pattern study for cell type identification, Optics Express, 20, 2, 1465-1474, 2012 WOS:000300057700075, IF: 3.546, AIS: 1.132.

  • M. Mihailescu, M. Kusko, Compact system design based on digital in-line holographic microscopy configuration, J. Eur. Opt. Soc. RP, 7, 12010, 2012 (WOS:000304389000010, ISSN: 1990-2573, AI=0.4)

  • M. Mihailescu, M.Scarlat, A. Gheorghiu, J. Costescu, I.A. Paun, E. I. Scarlat, Automated Imaging, Identification and Counting of Similar Cells From Digital Hologram Reconstruction, Applied Optics, 50, 20, 3589-3597, 2011.WOS: 000293069000027, IF: 1.789, AIS: 0.517.


